Stand For Better Health, Herniated Disc – we can help

By October 4, 2024Health Blog

Sitting Is The New Smoking

It seems like gone are the days where physical activity wasn’t an option. We would walk to our destinations, work shorter days, and spend more time outside on the weekends. This has impacted our cardiovascular health and metabolisms, much like taking up smoking could have. 

The increase in workloads, or having multiple jobs has created a more sedentary lifestyle for North Americans. We have less time for preparing meals, so we order take out more. And we have less time for physical activity because we are spending more time in front of computers.

Our Overall Health is Declining

This has resulted in the declining health and increase in pain and discomfort in our bodies. On average, sitting now takes up at least 50% of an adults waking hours – which has now been statistically proven to equal the impact on our hearts as smoking would. And unfortunately, this is expected to increase.

Prolonged sitting has other effects on our bodies as well. Being sedentary can tamper with blood glucose levels, metabolism, and can increase the chance of developing type 2 diabetes. The good news is that even just breaking up prolonged periods of sitting with short walks and stretches can reduce your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, or diabetes. 

What’s better is adding at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity, 5 days a week. Breaking this down into shorter increments like 2 – 15 minute brisk walks a day (to and from work, getting on/off the bus further down the street, or walking to the grocery store) can make this seem more doable!

Tips to Get You Started

Breaking up your time sitting can feel like an arduous task, so here are a few practical tips to help you get moving:

  1. Walk during your lunch break. Winters can make this difficult at times, but all the other days we aren’t experiencing inclement weather are good days to get out and walk. Whether you’re walking to your favourite lunch spot, or going for a walk at lunch, invite your coworkers to join you and before you know it, it will become a routine you look forward to.
  2. Create a schedule. The truth is, some of us require a schedule to make things happen. Programming a walk or physical activity into your day will help you turn fitness into a daily activity.
  3. Park further away from the entrance than you usually would. Whether it’s at work or while you’re running errands, choosing a parking spot further than what you’re accustomed to will force you to take those extra steps. And every step matters.

Small Changes are Big Changes

Small changes can make a big difference, especially when you are living a sedentary lifestyle. Ideally, physical activity can and will become a part of your regular routine. There you physical you get, the better you’ll feel, and hopefully this will ignite the motivation for more. 

If you are living more sedentary lifestyle out of the necessity to work, you have to make time to counteract the negative effects this will have on your health.

Would you suddenly take up smoking tomorrow? If your answer is “no”, then the desire to prevent cardiovascular disease and diabetes needs to become a part of your daily routine. 

Let’s Get Started

If you are struggling with where to begin, speak with us about the best first steps to take for your individual health. Adjustments will help reduce pain, inflammation, and tights muscles and joints – but we have so much more to offer than this. Let’s talk and get the wheels in your head and your heart turning!


I Was Told I Have a Herniated Disc, Now What?

The good news is that as a Chiropractor, we can assess and often treat a bulging or herniated disc safely. Chiropractors are known for their specialty in improving spinal health.

What is a Disc?

A disc is an intervertebral disc that lies between each vertebra of the spine. It acts as a “shock absorber” and a “shock distributor,” allowing for flexibility in your spine. These discs have a tough outer layer and a gelatin-like center.

When there is a defect or crack in the disc’s outer layer, the gelatin-like substance that creates the cushion for your vertebrae leaks out. This is referred to as a bulging, herniated, or ruptured disc. The degeneration of the disc can be gradual or sudden, depending on the cause.

The causes can range from accidents to obesity to poor posture. Whatever the reason, we can all agree that the pain that results from a herniated disc can be excruciating at its worst and hugely inconvenient at best.

Suppose you’ve been diagnosed with a bulging, herniated, or ruptured disc. In that case, you probably feel relief that you have a diagnosis – the first step in recovery. 

What’s Next?

We will assess the severity of your injury, complete a thorough chiropractic history and a physical exam, and perform neurological and orthopedic tests to determine the best course of action. 

We may order an X-ray (or other diagnostic tests) to examine what’s happening and ensure the properly treatment.

In a nutshell, we will assess the health and structure of your entire spine, as damage in one section of your spine can lead to pain in a completely different part of your body. The type of injury you have, along with the location, will determine the best type of care required.

What if I’m Not a Good Candidate for Chiropractic Care?

The truth is, not everyone is – and there are various reasons for this. However, some more immediate conditions will require a surgeon. If you lose control of your bladder or bowels, you will likely be referred to a neurologist or neurosurgeon. In addition, if there is a considerable decrease in strength, sensation, or mobility, a neurologist must assess it.


To treat a herniated disc, we will develop a treatment plan that will include spinal adjustments. Your treatment plan will specifically address your pain, expected activity level, and what is best for you. Wherever your course of treatment takes you, living with the pain of a herniated disc can be almost unbearable at times. The most critical piece of information you can have is to choose a course of treatment and remain committed to it.